速報APP / 社交 / Let's Meet!

Let's Meet!



檔案大小:30.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Let's Meet!(圖1)-速報App

Is this another dating application? Not really. This application allows you to find a person in your neighborhood who wants to meet with you and spend time together eg going to the cinema, for a walk etc.

You can:

- check how many people near you want to spend time in a similar way.

- find new friends or just have fun spending time in a way you like.

Let's Meet!(圖2)-速報App

- connect with new and interesting people around you, If someone likes you back, you can do this together

- you can chat with your friends

- send your map position

- check how many people arround you decided to spend time like you

Let's Meet!(圖3)-速報App

"Let's Meet!" shows you how many people in your location decided to spend time within 4 top categories created by the users

This is - and always will be - free. Have fun and enjoy!

Let's Meet!(圖4)-速報App
